
Application Procedure

The Consortium currently offers 11 full-time positions (Note: DCR/MCCC and OCCC is inactive for 2024-2025). Applicants may apply to as many sites within the consortium as they wish. Each consortium site will have a unique Match number, so applicants will be able to rank the sites according to their preference.

The application process will occur through the APPIC match. Please visit www.appic.org for more information about this process.

HI-PIC participates in APPIC’s online AAPI procedure.

Students interested in applying for the internship program should submit an online application through the APPIC website (www.appic.org).

A complete application consists of the following materials:

  1. A completed On‐line AAPI (APPIC’s standard application)
  2. Cover letter (part of on‐line AAPI) stating your preferred training site(s) and why you are interested in those sites specifically
  3. A current Curriculum Vitae (as part of the on‐line AAPI)
  4. Three letters of recommendation, two of which must be from persons who have directly supervised your clinical work (as part of the on‐line AAPI). Please submit no more than three letters
  5. Official transcripts of all graduate coursework
  6. An integrated assessment report (uploaded as a supplemental document)
  7. A one-page clinical case conceptualization (uploaded as a supplemental document)
  8. OPTIONAL and voluntary materiaIs: Interns who match with HI-PIC are the employees of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). It is the policy of WICHE to provide equal employment opportunity to all qualified applicants. As an Affirmative Action Employer, WICHE is required to invite all applicants to complete the forms attached here. Completion of the forms is voluntary and will not subject you to any adverse treatment.  The information on these forms is confidential and will be maintained separately from your application. If you choose to do so, please download this form and upload it with your application. Remember that completion of this form is voluntary and in no way affects the decision regarding your application for employment.


Please also note: HI-PIC does not provide in-person interviews, although applicants are welcome to schedule a visit to any HI-PIC training site by contacting the primary supervisor from the site. Skype interviews are the preferred format, although phone interviews will be granted for applicants who are unable to connect to the program via Skype.

Interns are required to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and will be required to provide proof of vaccination to WICHE unless a reasonable accommodation is approved.

This internship site agrees to abide by the APPIC policy that no person at this training facility will solicit, accept, or use any ranking-related information from any intern applicant.

Prospective applicants for future academic years may contact Dr. Michael Taylor, HI-PIC Training Director, at mike.taylor@k12.hi.us or Erin Briley, WICHE consultant to the HI-PIC program, at ebriley@wiche.edu for more information about the internship.