
Philosophy and Training Goals

The aim of the Hawai‘i Psychology Internship Consortium (HI-PIC) is to prepare and retain high quality and culturally competent psychologists to provide collaborative public mental health care for the diverse children, adolescents, and adults of Hawai‘i.

HI-PIC values the dimension and depth that diversity of training faculty, interns and individuals served bring to the intern training experience. HI-PIC values all types of diversity and welcomes diverse applicants to apply.

Profession Wide Competencies and Learning Elements

Overarching Goals

The Hawai’i Psychology Internship Consortium (HI-PIC) represents the collaborative effort of three Hawai’i state agencies and the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, WICHE, to share resources and faculty for the purpose of providing a broad and general educational program for psychology interns.

Our program offers one year, full-time internship positions at treatment locations across three of Hawai’i’s islands- Kaua’i, O’ahu and the Big Island (Hawai’i). It is expected that by the conclusion of the internship year, interns will have achieved intermediate to advanced competence in APA’s nine Profession Wide Competencies and associated Learning Elements. For a comprehensive list of all required Learning Elements, please see the HI-PIC Intern Evaluation. The following represents a list of all required competencies and a general summary of associated learning elements:

Competency 1

Interns will achieve competence appropriate to their professional developmental level in the area of Intervention.
Learning Elements related to this competency include the following:

  • Case conceptualization and treatment planning
  • Implementation of therapeutic interventions informed by the current evidence base
  • Crisis intervention
  • Therapeutic skills

Competency 2

Interns will achieve competence appropriate to their professional developmental level in the area of Assessment.
Learning Elements related to this competency include the following:

  • Diagnostic skill
  • Instrument selection, administration, and scoring
  • Test interpretation
  • Clinical formulation
  • Communicating results

Competency 3

Interns will achieve competence appropriate to their professional developmental level in the area of Interprofessional and Interdisciplinary Consultation.
Learning Elements related to this competency include the following:

  • Knowledge of the roles and perspectives of other professionals
  • Engagement in Interdisciplinary Consultation and collaboration

Competency 4

Interns will achieve competence appropriate to their professional developmental level in the area of Supervision.
Learning Elements related to this competency include the following:

  • Theories and methods of supervision
  • Effective provision of supervision (direct or simulated)

Competency 5

Interns will achieve competence appropriate to their professional developmental level in the area of Cultural and Individual Diversity.
Learning Elements related to this competency include the following:

  • Cultural awareness of self and others
  • Effective navigation of cultural differences
  • Effects of cultural considerations on clinical activities
  • Evidence-informed approach to cultural considerations

Competency 6

Interns will achieve competence appropriate to their professional developmental level in the area of Research.
Learning Elements related to this competency include the following:

  • Evaluation and/or dissemination of research or other scholarly activities
  • Application of scientific knowledge to practice

Competency 7

Interns will achieve competence appropriate to their professional developmental level in the area of Ethical and Legal Standards
Learning Elements related to this competency include the following:

  • Knowledge of ethical, legal, and professional standards
  • Recognition of ethical dilemmas
  • Adherence to ethical principles and guidelines

Competency 8

Interns will achieve competence appropriate to their professional developmental level in the area of Professional Values, Attitudes, and Behaviors.
Learning Elements related to this competency include the following:

  • Professional awareness and growth
  • Interpersonal relationships
  • Effective use of supervision
  • Self-awareness and self-reflection
  • Clinical documentation
  • Case management

Competency 9

Interns will achieve competence appropriate to their professional developmental level in the area of Communication and Interpersonal Skills.
Learning Elements related to this competency include the following:

  • Effective communication (oral, nonverbal, and written)
  • Effective interpersonal skills